Founded two millennia ago by the Romans, London has long been one of the most important cities of the world. It was the capital of the largest empire in history, and to this day it remains a city of superlatives.As a financial centre, it is second only to New York City; it is one of the world's most productive metropolitan areas, equally leading in commerce, science and education, arts and entertainment; and it is the world's most visited city.
London is home to the world's largest number of cultural sites in a single city, including institutions such as the British Museum, the National and Tate galleries, the British Library, several dozen theatres, and sports venues like the tennis courts of Wimbledon.
London contains four UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Tower of London; Kew Gardens; the Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey, and St Margaret's Church; and Maritime Gree
Courtship with a Little Help from a Master

Fantastic Business
Can a portrait tell a whole story? It has to if it is to win a bride! Hans Holbein paints Georg Gisze - and tells us all about his life. Lucas Cranach is a wealthy entrepreneur as well as a master painter. His “Fountain of Youth“ tells of his dreams.▶ The Berlin Gemäldegalerie▶ London