The region of Greece surrounding the city of Athens is known as Attica.In the small town of Keratea, on the Attic peninsula some 40 km from Athens, a statue was found which became world famous as the "Berlin Goddess" - even though it is more likely to be the funerary statue of a woman from a wealthy family.It's an extraordinary example of the Archaic style of ancient Greek sculpture and may have been carved in Athens between 580 and 560 BCE
Archaic Sculpture – Inventing European Art
Archaic art marks the beginning of an extraordinary development in western art. For the first time, Greek artists created monumental figures. Stylized but life-size and more and more naturalistic, they show how Greek culture began to move towards secular ideas - a development that would eventually culminate in the Classical Era...
Berlin Goddess
This “Kore” is a magnificent example of ancient Greek art, created in about 570 B.C. It stands solemn and austere, yet with extremely finely done details, and shows the typical “ancient smile”. And we can still see that it was brightly painted…▶The Museum of Islamic Art▶ Keratea